Saturday, December 18, 2010

Go Christmas house!

So I went to costco last night and as I was driving there I notice the lack of Christmas spirit in all of the drivers. I only live 4 miles away from the costco, but I about died twice!! Why is everyone in such a hurry that they don't look or don't care? I think that it is really sad that when Christmas comes and people are supposed to be jolly and nice is when most of them are the most grumpy of all. There was a lady arguing with the checker in the line that I was in because she asked for cash back and he gave her a crumpled 20 dollar bill and not a new one. She wanted it for a Christmas gift, but told the guy checker that it wasn't going to be a very nice looking Christmas gift now. I just stood there staring at her probably with my mouth hanging open thinking...WHO CARES!! I am sure that the person reciving the money is not going to take it now just because it is not crisp!!!
I took a different way home to stop at another store and I passed this house and it was the most decorated house I have ever seen! There were lights on every part of that house in the front and back. On the trees, on the lawn... seriously EVERYWHERE! Thanks to that house my mood changed back to good. What a way to give people Christmas cheer!! Again I say Go Christmas House!!!

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