On Easter Michael and I had to speak in church. It's kind of a funny story how this all came about. Let me tell you... So when we were watching conference i was talking to my dad and asking him how these people can get up and speak to thousands of people and they don't even seem nervous. He said that they probably were nervous, but the more you do it the less scared you become. Michael said that it's cause it is dark and they can't see anyone in the audience. So i went on to say that I get sooo freaked out when i have to speak in front of people and thank goodness that I haven't had to speak in church for almost a year and a half. Then Michael joked that he should call the bishop and tell him that we need to speak.
Well, we went on to watch the rest of confrence and that was that. The next monday (the 6th) i got a phone call and when i answered it, it was the first councelor in the bishopric. He asked me if Michael was home and if he could come and visit us for a minute. Right then i knew i was hosed!! I told him that he could and the second i got off the phone, i ran downstairs and told Michael that he jinxed us and that we were probably speaking in church... sure enough, that is what he wanted!! It's kind of funny how things happen, ya know?