Monday, November 22, 2010

Emily's snowman...

Yesterday it snowed 11 inches at our house and Emily was begging me to go outside and play in the snow, so I told her that we could, but not then cause it was sunday and that we would make a snowman and play outside today (monday). Here is the result...

A pretty good looking snowman if I may so myself!! And thankyou Kalia for sleeping so that we could play in the snow :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A few thanks...

I know that I should be thankful ALWAYS,,, and I am, but in the spirit of Thanksgiving this month I just wanted to share a few things that I am thankful for...

1. I am so thankful for sleeping babies so that I can get some things done around the house. I am so thankful for Kalia and what a good baby she is. She is getting so big. I am also thankful for binki's to plug babies mouths with when they are crying. :) It's like a drug or something. Kalia will be crying and then I put the binki in and it's instant calmness. 2. I am thankful for my house and everything in it. It is so nice to have a place to call my own and that it keeps me warm and safe. My bed so that I can sleep comfortable, my food to eat (even though I need not eat as much as I do!)

3. My car!! Right now we only have one car, but even as old as it is... I am still so very thankful for it.

4. Emily. She keeps me busy and entertained all day. She is such a smart little girl and loves to learn. She goes around the house all day singing songs and dancing... she calls herself the princess. I can't believe that she will be 3 in a few months!!!

5. My calling in the church. I am the 1st councelor in the Young Women and I love to work with the girls in my ward. I would keep this calling all my life if I could.

6. Last, but definitley not least... My awesome husband Michael. He has such a crazy life right now with full time school, full time work and the 1st councelor in the Bishopric. We don't get to see him very much right now, but when we do he alway makes the most of it. Emily can't wait to have daddy time!! He is so paitient and understanding.... Thank you Michael.

I am excited for Thanksgiving this year. I can't wait to be with my family and just be together playing games and looking at all the adds planing our route for the next morning... BLACK FRIDAY!!! One of my favorite days of the year :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kalia's growing so big

Kalia will be 6 weeks old tomorrow!!! I can't believe that it has gone by so fast. She is changing every day. She is just starting to smile at me and it is the funniest looking smile ever. What a sweet girl she is. She is such a good baby. She sleeps anywhere from 6-8 hours a night!! But in the day she makes up for the long gap of not eating... I swear that all I do is feed her, but that is what babies do... eat, sleep, poop and eat some more!

Making bread with daddy

Michael is the one in our family that makes home made bread. I have tried and tried and it never turns out right. So he volunteered himself to be our bread maker. Emily wanted to make bread with daddy so here are some pictures on them. Emily looks pretty clean in these pictures. By the time they were done, she had bread dough all in her hair and on her face.

Monday, November 8, 2010

It's coming...

I can feel it. Winter is almost here! I am not sure if I am excited about it or not, but today is awesome. I have waited for soooo long to be home on a day like today where it is chucking down a snow/rain mix and freezing cold outside and I am at home in my pajamas sipping hot chocolate and reading a book. Love it!!